Echo Dogs White Shepherd Rescue is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, foster based organization of volunteer professionals dedicated to saving white German Shepherd dogs from mistreatment and unnecessary death simply because they are unwanted and unloved. They provide them with a safe, secure foster home, where they receive necessary veterinary care and behavioral training and match them with families that are committed to providing a safe, loving home environment for their canine family member.
Premier Arms™ supports Echo Dogs White Shepherd Rescue by donating 100% of the profits from all of the Premier Arms™ logo wear sales to Echo Dogs. Premier Arms™ also donates 100% of the sales of its Premier Arms™ Black Powder Blend coffee custom blended and roasted by Arcane Coffee Company in Danville, IN (available in whole bean and ground). Premier Arms™ also will offer pop-up donation events for Echo Dogs throughout the year.
Bryce & JoLee, the owners of Premier Arms™, are also Echo Dog adopters…times 4…so far! They first discovered Echo Dogs when they adopted Ava in 2004. Fate brought Ryka to them in 2015, after Ava’s passing. And the stars aligned again in 2017 when Colt became a member of the Curry Pack! In early 2023, after Ryka’s passing, Astra was adopted as an 8 week old puppy! The Currys’ believe that, because of the great work of Echo Dogs, their home has been blessed & filled with the unconditional love of dogs. That is something they feel they can never fully repay Echo Dogs for, but they are committed to try.
$ Donated to Echo Dogs
$ Raised for VFW Department of Indiana
In business, as in life, 23 years is a long time. When we opened Premier Arms 23 years ago, we hoped we would succeed but had no idea the level of success we would achieve. Our success has always centered around putting our customers before profits and always conducting business in a fair, professional, honest, and ethical manner. With this support we have strived to be charitable and give back to the community. As Premier Arms has grown, we have tried to do even more.
Last year as we celebrated our 22nd Anniversary, and this year our 23rd, we are held our largest single fundraisers to date. Last year and this year the Premier Arms annual anniversary fundraisers benefited the VFW Department of Indiana and their Veteran Suicide Awareness initiatives. As we welcomed this great organization into the Premier Arms family, for our 22nd & 23rd birthdays, the gift we wanted was support a cause that provides support to our great veterans! And with the help of our customers and all that came out, that we did! We are pleased to say that the VFW Department of Indiana will be distributing the funds raised to support organizations committed to supporting veterans right here in Indiana: Mission 22 , Creative Arts for Vets, and Irreverent Warriors.
With our Premier Arms™ 20th and 21st Anniversary Celebrations we not only wanted to celebrate and thank our great customers, we wanted to give back! So with each party we also incorporated a fundraiser. These events were great fun, and thanks to our customers, we were able to help come good causes.
The new “tradition” of holding Premier Arms™ Anniversary Celebrations, AND using these celebrations as a means to give back to worthy, local, causes is one what we now look to continue into the future!
$ Raised
$ Raised for Brownsburg Blessing Boxes
Brownsburg Blessing Boxes mission is to help the less fortunate in the Brownsburg community through nonperishable food and personal care items. Their boxes allow people to take a blessing when you need one and leave a blessing when you are able. Brownsburg Blessing Boxes has 9 locations throughout the town of Brownsburg.
Starting in 2021 with the Tony Katz & Fingers Malloy “Let’s Go Bourbon!” book signing, Premier Arms™ & P. A. Jewelers has been teaming up with Tony Katz to raise money to help the Brownsburg community, through raising money for Brownsburg Blessing Boxes. This continued in 2022 with fundraisers that included LIVE radio broadcasts, on WIBC, by Tony Katz & Fingers Malloy of Eat, Drink, Smoke and Guy Relford of The Gun Guy show. Premier Arms™ and P. A. Jewelers is excited to work with Tony Katz on making this fundraiser an annual event.
To date, our customers have help us raise over $31,000!
On Saturday, November 4, 2024 we held an impromptu fundraiser for HVAF to help raise funds for them and the homeless veterans that lost their accommodations to devastating fire. Thanks to our generous customers, with this fundraiser, we were able to raise $2500.00 for HVAF!!
What a great event Premier Arms™ had on December 16, 2023!!! But when you combine good friends, great customers, bourbon, cigars, pizza, firearms and jewelry along with a great charity or two, of course you’re going to have a great event.
Premier Arms™ hosted a live on-site broadcast of the world famous Eatdrinksmoke show with Tony Katz and Fingers Malloy. A big thank you to Tony, Fingers and 93.1 WIBC-FM. We also had our new friends at Hotel Tango Distillery sampling their awesome selection of bourbons, expertly served by our go-to for our fundraisers, Bourbons & Brews Mobile Bartending. Travis Barnes, founder and CEO of Hotel Tango Distillery, was onsite to chat bourbon with everyone as we all enjoyed a cigar from the Eat, Drink, Smoke curated humidor at Premier Arms™ and pizza generously donated from Greek’s Pizzeria.
All of this was to raise money for a great charity, HVAF – Helping Veterans And Families. With a few hundred in attendance, through donations and contributions from sales, we were able to raise $2,000 for HVAF! And, because of the generosity of our customers’ support over the past 22 years, Premier Arms™ and PA Jewelers also made a matching $2,000 donation to Veterans of Foreign Wars-VFW Department of Indiana for their Veterans’ Suicide Awareness Program, a cause very dear to us.
$ Raised for Veteran Support
Premier Arms™ and P. A. Jewelers support many more organizations through our various philanthropic efforts. Below are some of those organizations.
Grateful Rescue INC dba Grateful Rescue and Sanctuary is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that takes in homeless animals and provides rehabilitation, adoption and foster programs to place animals we receive.
They develop and present advocacy and educational programs that are presented to schools, businesses, government organizations and the general public. Their community outreach program includes free animal therapy services for people in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and hospice.
They offer free boarding and daycare for the pets of people meeting specific situations, they will provide a low-cost spay/neuter program to the public. They advocate the humane treatment of all animals and actively work with local and state governments to pass legislation that support animal rights.
When their construction is completed, they will offer several expanded programs and retail facilities, making us the largest animal sanctuary of its kind in the eastern United States.
Revere’s Riders is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to marksmanship training, American history, and civic engagement.
The Marty Brown Memorial™ series of events is run by Revere’s Riders and honors one of their rifle instructors, Marty Brown, who lost a 40-month battle with ovarian cancer in 2017. The events raise money for Ovar’coming Together, a central Indiana non-profit organization dedicated to supporting women diagnosed with ovarian cancer.